Depression is lurking - I wonder why

I want to know why?

I have turned and twisted every option in my mind, and I don't find any obvious reasons of why my depression is beating me up right now.

I really hate this passive, almost destructive, place. I wanna get out of here. But I can't fight it, if I don't know where to send in my troops.

I've looked over the days, that's gone by.

There's a lot of stress from Christmas and moms surgery of course.
But a couple of stressful days should normally not bring me to my knees.

I didn't take my medication steadily for a month (I get medication for water retention, and when I have to travel, I can't go to the toilet each 15 minutes.) And all the other vitamins and minerals I haven't really focused on taking.

The lack of sleep and food. My appetite has gone below zero, but I force myself to eat. The sleep, on the other hand, I seem to have lost all connection with.

So all in all I have managed to make myself:
-"starved" for food, vitamins and minerals
- body water retention.

When looking at the above, I'm actually currently in the middle of boy-cutting my own health, mentally and physically.
The "self help" cure for ME, is to get the energy and desire back, starting with:
Vitamins, minerals and water retention medication on STEADY schedule.
Food: 3 big meals a day, 5 snack meals at minimum." With my history focus on proteins.
Sleep (or at least relaxation - and allowing myself to.)

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