Go to sleep 6 - The Bedroom

What makes a good bedroom?
To me it is;
Clean and orderly

I can't tell you, what makes a good bedroom to you, cause everything depends on what YOU think.
How do you feel, when you enter the room?
Do you like that room as a bedroom?
Would another room in the house feel better for you?

Let's have a little "exercise."
We don't have the energy to redecorate over and over again, so let's do it right the first time.
I've asked a friend to make a little short movie of bedroom examples, otherwise this page will be huge.
In each right upper corner, there's a number, to make it more easy to identify, when you figure out, what you like and dislike.
Try looking at each picture and write your thoughts down, like;
I like the x, BECAUSE it makes me feel y.
I dislike x, CAUSE it makes me feel...
When you're done, you have a much better idea of your likes and dislikes.

Personally I thought I liked a dark bedroom the most - perhaps a stubborn thought born by insomnia.
As it turns out, I feel much better in a light bedroom without any clutter.
I've taken out some examples from the "movie," to show you, what I mean:

1. Pros
I really like the Japanese/Chinese style, there's something extremely calming about it. Windchimes, sound of water, bonsai trees...
It makes me feel close to nature.

1. Cons
The style does not at all fit anything in the rest of the house.
The paper walls will be just for show, nothing else, and the building style and technique required is not to any of us.

5. Pros
It seems stylish and clean.

5. Cons
I also feels cold, stiff - and I don't like to sleep in aquarium.

6. Pros
Well, perhaps it's modern? Fancy? I don't seem to find any.

6. Cons
I fell like I was going to fall asleep in a nightclub.
Sonetimes I'm not sure what day it is, when I wake up. In this room I would not know in which century, I woke up.

7. Pros
I guess it's cosy.

7. Cons
God, what a mess. I would have to clean up for at least a day before being able to rest.
The doorway is at the back of my head, when I lay down, and too close to the bed. It makes me feel insecure and not totally at peace.

9. Pros
I like the "white" - you can breathe in here.

9. Cons
Doors. Not a door, but at least 2. Insecure, not safe.

10. Pros
I love the mosquito net around the bed, it makes it feel even more safe. Like a bedroom inside the bedroom.

10. Cons
Choise of materials

13. Pros
Loved it at first sight.

13. Cons
Imagine not being able to sleep, and you look up at the wood construction of the ceiling. If that's not confusing enough, imagine the amount of spiderwebs, you'll be able to see, while you try to sleep...

14. Pros
I like the minimalistic

14. Cons
The colours and materials makes it cluttered to me.

17. Pros
Seems okay but nothing special

17. Cons
I'll never ever place my bed in the middle of a room. It feel like I'm ready to be attacked or have already been served.

22. Pros
I like the minimalistic. The white.  The green plant. Feels like the room is very clean and filled with oxygen

22. Cons
I doubt my bf is thrilled to sleep so close to the floor, since he has trouble with his knees.
But never the less it gives birth to many new ideas and most importantly "I know in what direction I'll go."

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