Depression and anxiety fighting smoothies

I'm sleeping bad, if I sleep at all, and I look like shit. Actually I almost look sick again, and I don't like that.

My BF and I went to a special store in town today, where they sell all kinds of vegetables, spices etc. I wanted to buy some vegetables for smoothies.

I've done some research, and like herbal tea, smoothies of course also have an influence on mood and we'll being.

It was very exciting in there, the different smells... 
Fruits and vegetables I've never seen before.
I spend a lot of the rest of my budget on this, but I think I should give it a try. Especially if this can help me to get out of bed in the morning and give me more energy during the day.

I've found recipes for morning smoothies, energy boosting smoothies and even smoothies for anxiety, stress and depression. A "brain" smoothies and - of course a huge number of not interesting smoothies like smoothies for weight loss - but that I sort of expected. Somehow eating vegetables has turned into a strange thing, that you don't eat, unless you are on a diet.
I, on the other hand, have difficulty to eat a lot of meat without vegetables, I feel horrible after a meal like that.

So now the refrigerator is stuffed with food in wonderful colors, the sight alone is refreshing.
Now I'll go use some of the advice, I have been reading. For instance you can stuff bananas, watermelon and ginger etc in the freezer, so I can buy more at once, than I thought, and thereby save some money.
It was quite an experience and filled me with thoughts of the positive kind. Expectations, new ideas, good memories, excitement - that's what we need.
I almost can't wait until tomorrow morning to make myself my first smoothie ever.

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