Who am I supposed to kill...

to get a little sleep around here???

The answer, I think, must be me! 

Well let's not take THAT road!

I've tried all ideas, every single advice I have ever for from anybody. And still I can't sleep.
I'm tired, I'm very annoyed - actually I passed annoyed a minute ago, jumping over upset, angry, mad and going straight to pissed off. Damn!

I was actually co-writing with "The Farmer" and "The Poet" on something completely different (layout), but as you probably know: "I have to address the problem." When there's a problem at hand, I go straight at it. So I change my focus: sleep.

I thought I could write a summary, and a the same time find an idea, that I have forgot and haven't tried today. 
But I don't seem to have made posts with direct focus on sleep and insomnia, and I find that a bit strange, since that's a huge problem for me. Well, with my memory its most likely laying around somewhere.
While I can't sleep anyway, I'll start describing the different methods I use and have used in the past.
Have wonderful dreams out there if you can, I envy you :-)

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