Live with a fixed schedule

Make yourself a daily routine, and stick to it, also during weekends. 
This helps your sleep, digestion and doesn't make you body confused by flexing scheduled time.
I think of this as a tool to help me, not as a list I have to finish that particular day.
The "to do list" is not only a task list, it's also a list of things I'd like to build, recipes to try etc.

Make rules as:
Phone on silent at XX o'clock
After YY o'clock no more monitors (Blue light)
After ZZ o'clock no fluids.
I'm on Sick leave, I don't need to get up and be ready at a certain time.
I need the daylight, which certainly should be here at 9.
I can't use the alarm clock, since I should rest as much as possible and not stress out by tasks on the phone.
I have troubles sleeping, so I should make relaxing rituals that helps my body and mind to slow down at least an hour before I go to sleep.
I must not use alarm clocks or phone to alarm me about new tasks. I must avoid stress at any time.
I would like to gain some weight to get stronger against diseases. I write what I ear and how much I weigh.

So with all that in mind, I have created a schedule that works for me.
You can try it for 14 days to see, if it works for you as well.

My daily schedule (All times are approximate)
0800 Wake up naturally without alarm clock. Medication. Let out dog. Weigh myself and write it down in the calendar.
0830 Hot chocolate in the sofa. Check schedule some days ahead? Anything important I need to prepare?
Check to do list in the calendar.
0900 Toilet stuff, hair, make up if going places - and then I've started.
I may forget what I'm doing, it's not so important. When I get thirsty  I check the to do list again and continue my task.
1200 Lunch & medication. (Write in calender, what I eat for lunch.
1230 Nap/relax time with dog
1430 If I'm leaving the property, now is the time. (I get medication to get rid of a lot excess water in the morning at 0800, which makes me need the toilet a lot during the morning).
Now it's time to shop, go to the forest or just stay at home and continue.
1700 Stop working and relax with a cup of tea.
1730 Start cooking dinner
1830 Dinner and medication. Note dinner in calendar.
1900 Fun with hubby (planning, playing a game, watching a movie, cuddling.) Play with dog
2200 Hubby goes to bed. Dog sleeps. Alone time with movie, music, blog etc.
Bun with cheese and peppers, herbal "good night" tea.
24ish lights out. TV out. Phone forbidden.
Now sleep is supposed to kick in!

Practical information
In the beginning my phone was always off. Then I started to use an app called "phone schedule", that automatically turns off the sound and turns it back on in the morning. You decide when it should start and stop.
I didn't want to miss any calls from the children, so their numbers always goes thru day and night.
I hope you get an idea to control your tasks and time. I also use my calendar as a sort of diary. When I finish something, I write it down. It's nice to have during those moments, where you feel depressed and think you are worthless and never do anything constructive.

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