Blood sugar and emotions

I've read a story about a woman who was committed to the mental hospital for 3 years, until they finally discovered that she suffered from hypoglycemia, low bloodsugar.

Wether the story is true or not, blood sugar levels most definately effects our mood. And I don't mean slightly.

I've during the past week read a lot about this, and even though the medical explanation is easy to understand,  I'll leave it up to you and your own research to read all the long explanations, if interested.

The important things is;
If your blood sugar is not steady, but constantly is jumping up and down, you have found a serious factor in your mental health.
We don't get our blood sugar levels checked all the time (it can be a good idea to do so once to check it), but I feel it very well on my own body!

You see it in children too. My children is used to home cooked meals and candy, soda, chips etc. only Saturday.
We could simply see the sugar rush going on. Like two children with ADHD, or pinballs on speed.

Tiredness, sadness, anxiety, depression, headaches, hard pumping hearts, lack of breath and even panic attacks is seen in people with a very unstable blood sugar.

So perhaps you should lay down the candy bar and chew on a carrot.

I looked at my sugar consumption. It must have risen, cause I have different habits now. So I've immediately banned sugar 2 hours before sleep for 14 days.
I'll most likely also regulate my habits and therefore my daily sugar consumption.
It's so easy, costs nothing (but will power) so I'll definately give it a try.

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