Medication is making me wanna puke

I don't get a truck load of medication for anxiety and depression anymore. 

That's by my choise, not the docs. It's my impression they would medicate my brain away, if they could decide.

Meanwhile my latest diagnose PTSD doesn't get better by medicating the patient (even though it is good to have some medication to make me relax after several through tough days.)

I get a lot of other stuff though, so as you see, the amount of pills in my day boxes is quite large. It's mainly vitamins, minerals and alike, but also some blood thinner and water retention.
I try my absolute best to take it all each day, but it's hard and annoying and, well I don't know, if it's caused by a little rebellion inside, or it's the Masterchef saying "enough pills on the menu already", but sometime I simply can't take it. Then I go for several days without cause the very thought of one more pill makes me want to throw up.
I think it's understandable, (not acceptable) but...
Don't do this at home boys and girls. I'm simply sharing a piece of my thoughts with you, I am most certainly not recommending altering in doctors orders. Don't miss a dose especially if you get long time effective medication.
My last blood test was fine, so don't worry. It's just that I sometimes get fed up with it.
When I got Zoloft for instance (I have tried SO many different types) it was very important not to miss a dose. I had my watch alarm to assist me there.
I've tried the same with alarm on the phone, but constant calling, beeping, alarming and PTSD do not go hand in hand.
When I have an alarm ringing, it's like the skin freezes, the tiny hairs rises, I get a cold feeling and my heart starts pounding.
So I have to just play it along the way.
Many vitamins and minerals have an effect on sleep! Yes, on sleep.
So for people with sleepless nights or insomnia, it can be a good idea to get a blood test, to check if you need anything.

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