Stop yelling at me

If not everything is my fault, how come do I always come to be the bad guy?
What the he'll have I done to deserve to be yelled at, ignored and interrupted?
Don't you think I'd prefer not to be sick?
How do you think I feel about not having a job?
How do you think it is to be scared of stuff that goes on in my mind?
Do you really have to remind me?
Do you hate me so damn much, that you feel the need to put me down further?

When did people stop coming to me, if they wanted something done, they couldn't solve them selves?

If you don't want my company, and if you can't treat me with respect, feel free to leave me alone.

There's 3 huge problems with telling people, that you are going thru a mental breakdown.
Be prepared that people will treat you differently.
Be prepared they think, you can't do anything anymore.
And... be prepared to loose some friends. Some will use the disease against you at some point in an disagreement.
Don't worry about this last part, you are better off without such "friends."

It's an unpleasant situation when it happens, I know, but if you surround yourself with people who doesn't treat you with respect, you'll loose at little bit of yourself and your dignity each day.

It's hard to be alone. But not as hard as being put down every other minute.

I know that I'm just as smart as I have always been, before I got my total mental breakdown. And even if I'm not, you have no right to treat me like this.
If you really believe otherwise, the door is over there, don't let it hit your ass on your way out.

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