A typical day with short time memory loss

As a side effect from PTSD I have short time memory loss.
How do you get any work done with that?

I'm about to say I don't get anything done, but that's not totally true.
But I forget what I am doing. Easily.

Yesterday I was making pancakes. I don't need a recipe for that, but my short time memory is a mess, so I can't leave the kitchen. If I do, I'll forget everything and burn down the house!
While I was waiting for the pancake to get golden brown, I glanced at the plants in the window. There was a couple of dead leafs.  I needed scissors to cut them off. But the scissors were in the dishwasher, so I went to get one from the living room. On my way to the living room, I bump into the basket if clothes, I wanted to wash. I went to the washer/dryer and started a wash. I needed to go to the toilet, and had to pass the kitchen on the way, and there it was... A cardboard pancake!
I forgot to hang up the clothes for 2 days. Each day I restarted the machine, but it took 2 days to finish the wash!
This is just a small example. The "way to the pancake" could easily have been longer, and resulted in a charcoal kitchen.
It is very frustrating. The desire to start just a little work is none to speak off. Cause I know, that my mess has to be cleaned up and finished, and I don't want to lay that on other people, who has been at work all day.
I try to write everything down. But it's also stressful to have the phone alarm beeping  all day thru.
So I find it difficult, but for sure it's possible to find solutions to get work done.

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