Visit From Social Services

Wednesday I got a letter from Social Services, telling me nothing, but they wanted to come to a meeting at my house today.
I actually expected that it would come at some point, so I was not surprised, but anxiety immediately took over, when I saw, that there was a letter from Social Services.
I called my mom, and told her... "I have a letter here, I'm too scared to open it - I need you in the phone, when I do that." The letter explained nothing, just that they had a cause to visit me and my family, and that it would be today.

The lady from Socials had tried to reach me many times during the day on the phone, but my work phone was always busy - so she called my private cell phone. Geez - how much can you multitask(?)
She was however very nice, and she came because they knew, that I have had a nervous breakdown and been suicidal. Meanwhile the kids had been away from the home and attended other schools. So she simply was interested to hear, how we have landed on our feet after so many traumatic experiences.

However, to make a very long story short: the Social Services found, that we handle things fine our selves, and they are very satisfied with the outcome. She decided to close the case.

The point is, that stuff like this is able to bring me into complete fear. Anxiety takes over, even for just little stuff like this. I really hope, that I will be able to get my panic attacks under control at some point...

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