First Visit From The Psychiatrist Team

I was so scared before the meeting with the Psychiatrist Team. Not because I thought they would bite me, but I'm scared, that they are not able to help me. Thank God my lovely neighbor and friend was there to help me through that day.
To me, this is the last step. If they can't help me, there's no other options.

Of course it was 2 sweet people, that came here. They told me shortly, who they are and how they work, and after that I had to - once again - go "rough"  through my "emotional Curriculum Vitae." God it's hard to do that each time.
After that, they got presented with the medication, that I take now.

1. Sertralin Hexal.
That is the drug, that makes the signal between the braincells working.
I started on 50 mg. I'm currently on 200 mg.

2. Tolmin (Mianserinhydrochlorid)
10 mg

3. Apozepam (Diazepam)
25 mg

4. Besides that, I take some nature medicine
"Valerina forte"
 "Drogens strong baldrian with lemon balm"

The Psychiatrist team advised me not to take the nature medicine. There's apparently a suspicion, that it effects the other chemicals.

For now, I should keep on the dose of prescribed medication, until the entire Psychiatrist Team has discussed, if I should change medication and/or dose.

At the end of the meeting, they presented me with a list, a Patient guide in psychoeducation.

calm down
reduce stress and pressure
structure the day
personal hygiene
food / drink
small activities
fresh air
no alcohol
no drugs
I started to cry, when I saw the list. All of the symptoms above (besides drugs) is something, that I fight with. It was both scary - and a relief - to see a list like that. This means, that I'm not "abnormal" in my reaction to a total mental breakdown. And these are the things, they are going to help me with.
Until I get better, I should stop seeing my Psychologist, cause I wont be able to do serious work with him, while I'm still as down as I am.

The Psychiatrist Team is coming again next Tuesday, so lets see what happens then.

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