I have been so tired lately and had no desire to write

I have my period, fortunately normally this time. But I get so tired, when I have it, I sleep almost all the time - so I feel bad for the children, since I don't have the energy to do something active with them.
Each time I get my period, it reminds me about the miscarriage. Reminds me, that I now should have been a mom again, and all the thoughts about the future, that I was dreaming of, was shattered by the man, that I loved so much.

I have a visit from the Psychiatrist Team today, and I hope they have some news about my medication. It takes a lot of energy to live with anxiety and depression. I'm tired of being scared of almost everything, I'm tired of feeling like the worst person on earth. I wish I could move forward more quickly, but I also know that a mental sickness is not easy to fight. And the energy to fight is hard to find.
But lets see, what the Psychiatrist Team has to say today...

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