Depression Makes My Energy Level Low

After my mental breakdown, I was able to do a lot of stuff. I practically buried myself in work, both at my job and the building on the house. I guess it was also some kind of escape, or caused by the dissociation.
Now depression is making every task almost impossible to get through, and anxiety and panic attacks takes a lot of the little energy that I have.
I feel the need to sleep a lot, and even though I try to do so, I feel tired all the time.

Even so, I managed to do some work around the house during the weekend. Since the sun was shining, and it helps to get out of the house into the sunshine, we also went into the garden, and did a little stuff there.

One of my Psy Tools is to look at the positive, that I have done - and not to look at all the stuff, that I don't get done. I'm still working on accepting that I'm sick, and since I have a tendency to demand way to much from myself, I'm not really successful in looking at the positive. I always feel, that I could and should have done more.... Right now I just have to try to accept, that I am sick, and that my mental condition requires me to get more rest and sleep.

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