Adult bullying

As a child, if you get bullied, you can't wait to grow up, where people treats each other nice.

Weren't we fooled.

I'm surprised we aren't extinct sometimes, when we are so stupid...
Even as adults, we can't treat each other nice. There's even adult bullies, that makes a day of work a living hell for other people. 

How dare you?
What goes on in your personal penthouse, that makes you think, it is okay to treat other with such a lack of respect?
And the backstabbers, don't get me started.
They just go with the flow and share rumours. How pathetic is that?
Shut the fuck up, if you don't have anything nice to say.

If you think, something's wrong, why don't you talk with the person yourself and get an opinion of your own? Maybe this person actually needs help with something, or maybe a kind word and a smile can help that person thru the rest of the day.
Who knows? 
That person could very well be feeling bad all the time, cause he or she is being put down all day by a group of backstabbers and bullies.

So, now I understand, why my mom smiled at me, with a kind of sadness in her eyes, when I said: "I can't wait to grow up. Then people aren't so mean."
I was right.
They are not mean, they are much worse.

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