European Election

Everybody all over the country is going nuts, when election is up.
Politicians claim and promise a lot, they don't intend to keep.
I especially remember one woman who said, that the sick, the poor and the old people here, could just save up their money! From what?
Some don't even have to the end of the month. Some has the choise to eat or take their medication. God, if you get sick at 18 and can't work, you'll spend the rest of your life living without anything. With no future ahead. Cause if you own anything, you can't get any help. What a dream to look forward to.
But this particular politician is now running around doing publicity stunts to show "how much she care."
It makes me sick.
So after we loose everything, we could just "save our money". Well, perhaps she'll visit me then.
It's hard for families. They do not only have to worry about sickness, hospital visits etc. They have to move to sell their house, worry how to get the next bill paid...
Not only do you get very little help. The little help you get, will be cut even smaller, than normal, because your wife's or girlfriends salary is as high as a uneducated worker.
Theres not enough money to take care of people, that is already here in the country.
Why do the government chose to bring in more? They get paid for it ofcourse, but our country and welfare suffers because of it.
Not just the sick people, also teachers, daycare workers, old people, hospitals, doctors, nurses....
And the government simultaneously can't figure out, why the crime rate is getting constantly higher!
There's a lot of stuff going on, that's not right here. But I chose NOT to listen to them during the time before election.
Everyone knows a politician lies.
But they seem to have their mind set on winning the Olympics in not speaking truthfully these days, so I chose to be deaf to them.

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