You are disgusting

Thank you very much, now I know, why I feel such lack of love around me.

No matter how understanding and considerate your partner, family and friends try to be, there'll always be times, when you experience some very bad comments which unfortunately never will disappear.

"Yeah, well who care what you say. You've been to the mental hospital, you're fucking maniac!"

Other people will at some point use your sickness against you, if cornered. They are simply not well behaved and smart enough to argue anything else. That means you've won - but its not my favourite experience in life and it hurt until heard enough! (Learn to punch back on that one)

You dont look sick. People sometimes simply "forget" that you are sick, and that you have special needs.
This is where wearing a turban comes in handy!

And then theres the rude people... It's tough to get a bad comment like "you've been comitted, so..." or "you're maniac" thrown in the face.
Not because it's true, everyone listening to bullsshit like that is able to hear, how stupid the other part is - that's not where it hurts.
Where the sadness sets in is by realizing, that your friend or perhaps even your partner would use your sickness against you.
That hurts.

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