Trapped with people who dislike me or?

I din't know what to do. I had no idea of how to change this situation.
When my life hits this point, it normally spirals down to the buttom, and suicidal thoughts of how and where and when starts to poison my mind.

This is where I throw down all fences and shields and accept, the disease is trying to take over and skype my friend, who I now actually see as a mentor.

I don't know exactly what she does. But it's very effective.
She asks me questions, and manage through those questions, to make me come up with the answer to a solution myself.
I know she has the solution already, but she wants me to find into that myself.

This works so well for me, that I can now often predict, what will happen in a conversation, and find a solution myself, even before I call her. And as she says, that is the whole point!

But in this case, I simply didn't know.
So I skyped the Farmer 911, and.... my life started to change around again, and this one of the times the changes came very quickly.

I called a house meeting and to make a very long story short, I served this exactly as I would have done, when I was earning the big paycheck.

I explained, that as they know, I was sick, but I had no money and could not take a job because of my health.(they knew that)
But I wanted to make money and contribute more. (they liked that)

I presented the room rates, (around here it's 40-50 Euro pr. night)
Compated to that: when I have paid all expenses, I have 160 for food, phone, dentist, clothes etc a month!
So... I continued:
Since I do most of the housekeeping anyway, I wanted to start a B&B now, so I at least will get paid to do housework and cook for guests - you know, maybe my work would even finally be appreciated for once!"
- long pause -
"So I want a spare room and permission to rent it to third party for a day!"
Wow - their jaws just dropped. 

Now they are thinking about it, but you know what, I have already got a "it's actually nice of you to wash my clothes, thanks" and a hug.

I might not get a spare room, I might not be able to work again. But that give you no right to take me for granted, make me feel worthless or anything else.

I'm still the same person, as I used to be!
Just a couple of years and experiences smarter!

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