A depressing problem

Deprssed or sad?
We hear the expression "I'm so depressed" very often during daily basis.
I'm so tired of it. Fed up.
People obsessing over tiny problems, referring to this as a depression, having no clue what so ever what depression is all about.

Sometimes I really have to remind myself, that "I'm just having a bad monday" - it doesn't necessarily mean, my depression is back. Sometimes shit just happens.

But listening to people complaining about every day stuff and feeling "depressed" cause they are tired and have to do laundry!
I'm sorry, you have absolutely no clue to what depression is.

I don't even know how to describe it actually but to say, that depression is not just a feeling of  bad day. It's a state of mind that intervenes with your daily often so much, medication is required.
It's sad we have started to use this word so incorrectly.
And whether you just  feel depressed or is diagnosed with depression, we have to remembe, that sometimes a bad day is just- a bad day.

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