Quarantine and social anxiety

The Corona virus has made the government close the borders and actually forbidden people to get together and go to work in most places.

I'm not really scared about the virus. I'm more interested in peoples reactions in general.
Living in quarantine is not more different than suffering from social anxiety disorder, SAD.
You don't see many people during the day, often not people at all, so that's not a big difference compared to my daily life.

The empty streets we see on the daily news however, frightens me a bit. That's such an unusual sight.
We hear a lot of stories of small companies and owners of cafes and restaurants, who is really suffering.

It won't take a long time before small business owners has to turn the key. Rent for ships with great location doesn't come cheap, and I'll be sad to see peoples life work go to pieces caused by the virus.

One of my best friends wanted to close the borders the first second, she heard about this.
My God, if they had only done that, the problem would be solved by now!
Ofcourse it's a big decision, bit peoples lifes are at stake here - but yet again they waste time on financial speculations, instead of just taking in action right away.

That way we could stopped it much faster, but instead each family now has to be quarantined. The sign of no trespassing is no longer relevant at the border, it's too late!
Now we all have to living life like you're suffering from social anxiety. It's a bit different, but the result is the same. You can't just go everywhere you wish to go...

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