Blood pressure skyrocketing

Photo by: emagineart

Saturday evening didn't went as I expected. I didn't feel good, and as time went by, I felt worse and worse. So no piano for me, and all the rest of my plans for that evening went down the sewer.
I felt like my inner engine was driving too fast, and my brain was frying. My body felt, like it wanted to run the marathon, but my brain was overworked and wanted to sleep.

The staff kept taking my blood pressure, which was skyrocketing, and its still very high.... 

Yesterday evening it was 196 over something - my pulse is normal.

I was, and still am, wondering, if this is sideeffects from the medication, or if theres something more to it. It will be almost hilarious, if this turns out to be a depression caused by a physical problem, and they treat me with pills that is supposed to work for a psychological problem.

The doc has been to see me, and I am going to the heart specialists today to get some equipment on, that will measure my bloodpressure throughout 24 hours.

I have absolutely no energy or desire to do anything, I feel SO tired, that its hard even to write this post.
Well, I'll see what they figure out...

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