I want to travel - to forget the hospital and...

Photo by: Dominic

... all the bad things.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do, than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” 
Marc Twain

I have considered flying, however I like to drive. The feeling of being on my way to something. Sometimes the trip to get there is half the experience.
I need new tires on the car - I'll handle that tomorrow if possible. Thereby I'll be ready, and if everything goes well I'm discharged from the hospital on Friday. I just need to get my heart medication at the pharmacy, then I am ready to go. After all, I have already packed - all the stuff I need, I have with me at the hospital, so...

Normally I dislike big cities, however where I am going, I have been a couple of times before. I wish to take the boat trip once more, and I look forward to visit the church once again. Even though its a big city, its also peaceful and green in a way, that is difficult to explain.

I'll miss the children.
To hear their voices, their input from last time, we were there. But I also think it will be good to me to take this trip. Well, only time will show...

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